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Uploaded 2-Mar-07
Taken 16-Mar-03
Visitors 753
50 of 87 photos

Mr Assi, headman of Ban Nammat Gao and his son Adjeu

On my arrival in BNG the previous day, I had paid a visit to the village headman , Mr Assi, and given him about 50 photographs I had taken at a previous visit two weeks earlier. He sorted them by family, and gave them to various children who had gathered around. He expressed his pleasure at seeing the photos, especially since some of them featured his young son Adzeu. He then asked me to come back the next morning and take photographs of the other members of his family. When I arrived about 10.00 am that day, the family members were busy dressing up in traditional costume, and applying make-up .
f/4 @ 13.8 mm, 1/80, ISO 100, No Flash